Monday, July 25, 2011 | By: Claire

A Bit of Me (Me)

This Weeks Question: What’s your favorite weekend activity?

I sleep most of the times on a Saturday morning but since my sister has classes during Saturdays, I have to wake up and help my mom since she’s not feeling well lately. But when she leaves, I go back to bed and go back to dreamland.

This thread starts here: There's A book Weekly Meme

Anyway, what about you? What’s your favorite weekend activity?

My Chocolate Chip Cookies and An Article I'm Writing

I baked cookies this morning for my sister to bring to school for her snacks but we forgot to pack it so as usual, some of it ended being eaten by my brother, who ate, two cookies at a time. Looked like a sandwich. I slept too much again today. Lately, I've been very sleepy. I'm not sure why. Is this a sign of depression? I just hope not.

Then I began to read the autobiography of St. Therese (Little Flower) but being able to read the introduction, I had to stop. Many of what was written in this introduction contained a lot things that I have experienced or thought of - something like that so I want to write an article first before I continue reading it.

I won't be writing my own autobiography but I'll be writing in it some of my experiences in life in connection with my faith. My own experiences through my life with how I lived and live with God in my life and had this kind of communication with God , Mama Mary and the angels. I want to write down the lessons and messages God has told me. I want to see the differences of my faith (experiences) with what I will be reading in the book. I'm not saying I have a lot in common or a lot of differences with The Little Flower. I'm also not saying that I could be someone who's special or different from others because I'm just a normal human being - a sinner at that. I don't have premonitions or things like those. I'll just write how I communicate with God, mama Mary, and the angels and how they answer me back (through dreams or answers through personal experiences - loses and gains).

In short, I'll be writing an article about my own experiences about my faith and compare it with what's written in the book. I hope St. Therese wouldn't misunderstand what I'm doing but since I know God is with Her, she'll know for sure what I'm trying to do. Maybe I'll finish it by tomorrow or on Wednesday. I'll make sure of it so I can continue reading the book already.
Sunday, July 24, 2011 | By: Claire

I Want To Revive This Blog

Whoah! When was my last blog? I know... a very, very long time ago.

How's every blog doing now? Everybody still keep their blog alive but I haven't. And again, I want to revive it.

I've been busy with our vacation and many problems. I've been fully out of the blue lately, too because I've been confused with everything I have in my hands right now. I'm not really busy, it's just that my mood swings are kicking off again. 

I'm watching Korean TV series to get a new feel, a new flow of emotions so I can have new ideas on what to write about and how I'll write my new stories. And I've also been thinking what genre to write right now. And then there are my old stories/novel which I must edit, revise and re-write so I can turn them into a book or e-book, whatever's better.

Then my artistic instincts start to kick off, too and I had to sew these plushies which are two talking cats with magical powers, a fifteen year old girl and a sixteen year old boy who are all part of the new story I'm thinking of writing right now. It's adventure/fantasy genre. I'm not sure about it yet but I'm really into the idea right now.

And then there are also these books I have to read, learn, understand and reflect from. It's not that I'm obliged to but I'm making myself be obliged because these books are important to me. No sentimental values or reasons like that. It's just that I think I'm ought to read and learn them myself. Maybe it's because I miss studying in school or maybe there are other reasons. I'm not sure of. I just want to finish reading and studying them. I'll also be posting some reviews for those books after I read them or maybe after every chapter I can post some of my view/notions about those topics there.

And then there are my Catholic community related projects or plans which I'm not sure if I'll really be going through with. I need the approval of the majority of our members first. It's not that I'm not sure that they'll approve of my ideas but I'm not sure about myself if I can keep up if it's going to be approved.

Another is my beads and crafts tools and supplies which are still there for me to do. I've been planning on making accessories to sell but it seems there'll be no buyers if I make them so right now, they're just there in my shelf.

And a new hobby is added which is baking and since I'm not really good in it even how much effort I put in, I just can't stop trying to learn and practice more which takes a lot of time in a day.

With all of these, I don't know where to start. I made a schedule last month but I haven't followed it. But now, I'm trying to start with everything again. I'm starting with blogging right now and maybe everything will follow. I'll update on Goodreads and then I'll make articles against RH Bill which I'm also feeling is right to do now.

I'll write again tomorrow if there'll be any progress with my sched.