Friday, January 14, 2011 | By: Claire

Movie Marathon

The other day, I watched two movies - April Bride and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.


I've been meaning to watch HP 7 soon as it was released here in the net but since my internet connection isn't excellent these days, I postponed and postponed watching it until the other day when I decided to do it. To actually wait for hours so I could finish watching the movie. At last, I'm done watching it but it left me hanging. I'm totally looking forward to the release of HP7 part 2 in the theaters. I'm going to watch it there because it's the final part of the whole story of Harry Potter and I want to watch it in a very large screen so I could appreciate it more. Watching HP7 part 1 in my net book lowered the excitement I had when I first wanted to watch it, moreover the low connection of the internet that ruined the mood. At least I knew what was happening in the movie since I already read the book itself and I wasn't getting lost even if the movie I watched was very choppy. When compared to the movie, reading the book was actually better than watching it. I've noticed that in novels turned to movies. I enjoy reading the books more compared to watching them because for me, the books are more detailed.

Anyway, "HP7 part 2, I'm looking forward to watch you in the theater".

The other movie, I watched was a Japanese movie about a couple married in church on April 5, 2007. At first glance, it was a typical wedding. The bride, however, was suffering from late-stage breast cancer and had been told that she only had a month to live.

The title of the movie is April Bride. To those of you who are okay with watching movies with a not-so-happy  ending, you can watch this. It's very good and speaks of true love. I also love the music in the background when they were getting married. The title of the song is The Rose. You can check out the links I provided if you're interested in watching the movie or listening to the music.


Lalis26 said...

Totally agree with the books vs. movies part.

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