End of Memories
Photo from: DEVIANT ART
I didn't expect my heart to find you special
I didn't think you'd make my life so jovial
You were someone who I didn't even notice the first time
I think you stole my heart, just that... one perfect crime.
We had too much fun and we built too many memories
It drowned me with happiness, too much for me to keep.
I can't remember when and where it begun
Though now it ended sadly like the setting sun.
Though it turned out and ended this way
I still keep our mem'ries and look at them in a special way
Sweeter than sugar, deeper than what's deep
Now turned bitter, sometimes I remember and just weep.
I remembered the way we looked in each other's eyes
Like you could see through me with no lies
The way you knew the color of my eyes are
Like no one has gotten to know me that far.
The way you stared at my lips when I speak
Maybe observing if it's dry or glossy, I felt it was sweet.
The way we clasped our hands every time we meet
Then our eyes meet and make that heart-melting greet.
I remember tousling and combing your hair with my fingers
The way you play with my hand, a mem'ry which still lingers.
The way we suddenly stare blankly into space
When the tension and sweetness reaches a pace too fast, leaving us dazed.
You were always beside me anywhere I went
You always took my hand wherever you were sent
You were the sweetest of all friends I ever had
I'm glad, there was that time we have met.
You wrote my name in the sand of the beach where we went
And I wrote yours then we connected it with the word "and".
Those kind of mem'ries almost slipped my mind
Which now I got to remember and got to find.
I even got to see that sunset in that beach with you
I even promised secretly, it would be the last sweet mem'ry I'd keep about us two.
Though every time I was with you, I was always happy
I decided to end it for both me and you.
I can't explain what feelings I have for you
I don't know these emotions I feel for you
Whatever they are turned me into something I didn't want to be
A demanding and jealous girl, I turned to be.
I also grew scared about our happiness being only temporary
That one day soon, you'll change and leave me
So before it happened, I decided to be the first one to leave
Even if I wasn't sure how to decide and what to truly believe.
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