Sunday, January 30, 2011 | By: Claire


No, I am not a new Tabloid Reporter, but it is a feature so 
that we can all get to know each other better.  

This feature will be open from Thursday at 12:01 A.M. and close on Monday at 11:59 P.M. to allow those that want to participate over the weekend the opportunity to do so when they have more time.  So you may want to check back on Tuesday or check the previous week's link on Thursday to view everyone's answers.

Links to all previous can be found by clicking the Enquiring Minds Want To Know page in the right sidebar for those who missed a week or two and want to catch up on everyone's answers.  To do that please link up using the actual post link  instead of the link to your entire blog so people can find your "Enquiring" posts easier. 

If you are just joining this feature 
We all become friends/followers but most of us will never meet in person, this feature is to help us all get to know each other better.

Each Thursday I will post 3 questions for you to answer 
that you can copy and post on your blog with your answers. 
You don’t have to be a blogger to participate either. I will be using a Linky List for the blogs to use to participate and follow each other around to get to know each other, but if you are not a blogger just answer the questions in the comment section following the post on your favorite blog. Please feel free to click on the links and visit other blogs too.  

This way we not only get to know other bloggers, 
we get to know our followers too.
I am really excited about this meme 
and hope many more people will join the fun!!!!!

Are you interested?

Last week's questions were pretty heavy
 but this week to some easier questions.


1. What time do you usually wake up each morning?

This week, I've had sleepless nights (you can read my post below about why I can't sleep) so I wake up at around 1 in the afternoon.

2. What time do you usually go to sleep each night?

Again, I'm still sleepless. I sleep around 4 AM.

3. Standing at the foot of your bed, do you sleep on the right side of the bed, left side of the bed, or do you have the whole bed to yourself?

Me and my sister share a room and at our old flat, I slept at the right side of the bed but now, I sleep on the left side of the bed.

Now be sure to copy and paste the information and your answers into your blog, then come back to link up, so we can come to your blog and read your answers.

I hope you will come back to this meme every week and tell your friends so we can all get to know each other better and get the answers to all the questions 
Enquiring Minds Want To Know!!  

I want to have a puppy

Okay, I haven't written for... how long again? See, I can't even remember. Really!

I've been busy reading and having visitors at our flat these past few days. Long story. And another that I want to confess, which kept me from blogging and everything else is because I fell in love with... nope! not someone... but I fell in love with a shih tzu. But actually, I fell in love with the idea of having one.

I became like... so addicted with Animal Planet on TV and then episodes of DOG 101. And there it started, I wanted to have a puppy. I thought about it for a few days and thought maybe time will make my feelings pass by - strong feelings of having a pup - but then I can't sleep, can't eat well and can't read much because I was there, using this net book or my phone to surf the net about puppies and dog breeds, how to take care of them, what they need and where to buy and everything else.

It's complicated for me. First of all, my mom is against it then comes the problem with the expenses but then more complications still.

I'm not sure whether there will be complete supplies for the needs of a dog here in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia since I've noticed that people here aren't dog lovers making me conclude that pet shops and or veterinarians here aren't that good with providing the needs of a pup if I would have one and I'm afraid it would die because of those circumstances. I'm afraid to hurt a baby such as a cute shih tzu pup but I really want to have one. I want to take care of one and play with it and cuddle with it and watch it grow older as I grow older, you know... those kinds of things. And take responsibility for it like a mom.

I really pray that I could have one and take care of it until it reaches the end of its days.
Thursday, January 20, 2011 | By: Claire


No, I am not a new Tabloid Reporter, but it is a feature so 
that we can all get to know each other better.

This feature will be open from Thursday at 12:01 A.M. and close on Monday at 11:59 P.M. to allow those that want to participate over the weekend the opportunity to do so when they have more time.  So you may want to check back on Tuesday or check the previous week's link on Thursday to view everyone's answers.

Links to all previous weeks at the bottom of the post for those who missed a week or two and want to catch up on everyone's answers.  To do that please link up using the actual post link  instead of the link to your entire blog so people can find your "Enquiring" posts easier. 

If you are just joining this feature 
We all become friends/followers but most of us will never meet in person, this feature is to help us all get to know each other better.

Each Thursday I will post 3 questions for you to answer 
that you can copy and post on your blog with your answers. 
You don’t have to be a blogger to participate either. I will be using a Linky List for the blogs to use to participate and follow each other around to get to know each other, but if you are not a blogger just answer the questions in the comment section following the post on your favorite blog. Please feel free to click on the links and visit other blogs too.  

This way we not only get to know other bloggers, 
we get to know our followers too.
I am really excited about this meme 
and hope many more people will join the fun!!!!!

Are you interested?

Last week's questions were pretty heavy
 but this week to some easier questions.


1. What is the outside temperature where you are today?

2. Do participate in any special winter sports or hobbies like skiing or snowmobiling, etc?

3. If you had to choose between a week long stay in a mountain lodge with lots of snow, activities, friends, food and beverages or a week alone on a deserted white sand island with just a bag of books and food and water which would you choose?

Now be sure to copy and paste the information and your answers into your blog, then come back to link up, so we can come to your blog and read your answers.

I hope you will come back to this meme every week and tell your friends so we can all get to know each other better and get the answers to all the questions 
Enquiring Minds Want To Know!!


1. What is the outside temperature where you are today?

I'm not quite sure but it's today, like the past few days, it's cloudy today. The wind outside is cool and I definitely won't go out without a sweater. One thing is for sure, it's not hot outside, neither is it freezing.

2. Do you participate in any special winter sports or hobbies like skiing or snowmobiling, etc?

No. Since I grew up in the Philippines and there's no winter there. There's no winter here in Saudi Arabia, too so no. But whether it's sunny, rainy, or cloudy, windy or whatever the weather is, there's always a good book or magazine beside me to read or my notebook or phone where I can write my thoughts or compose a new poem.

3. If you had to choose between a week long stay in a mountain lodge with lots of snow, activities, friends, food and beverages or a week alone on a deserted white sand island with just a bag of books and food and water, which would you choose?

I'll choose a week long stay in a mountain lodge with my friends. Better, if with my family. We could do lots of things there together whether it be a board game or much more fun games and activities. My friends spoil me a lot and a week with them will definitely be fun. :)

Now it's your turn! 
Let's get to know YOU!!
This Enquiring Mind Wants To Know

Wednesday, January 19, 2011 | By: Claire

Movie Marathon Again

Last night, I watched two Filipino movies - love stories.

 I watched "Till My Heartaches End" first. A movie starring two of the most famous actors/actresses in the Philippines - Gerald Anderson and Kim Chiu.

It's a movie about one girl having a boyfriend for the first time and a boy who finally finds the one he truly falls in love with after having many girlfriends in his past. They both have family problems but it isn't the main problem they are facing since the problem is the girl is focusing too much on the boy, she doesn't want to open up to anyone and widen her world anymore that's why they always fought. The boy grows afraid that they may hurt each other and that they could end up hating each other in the future if the problem isn't solved and the only solution he knows for the better of both of them is to break-up. Going on with their separate lives, they accept what they think they understand while they face the family problems they have been facing since childhood. They take that chance to fix up everything while they're on their own and one of them knows that they broke up not because they don't love each other anymore but because they love each other too much, they had to.

The other movie, on the other hand, is about family and love relationship. The actors/actresses in the movie are Claudine Baretto, Anne Curtis and Richard Gutierrez.

The older sister Ciara takes responsibility for her younger sister Julia since their mother died after giving birth to the latter and their father followed soon after. Ciara works in the United States and Julia followed after receiving her student visa. Storm, Julia's boyfriend joins her with a tourist visa.

To gain immigrant status, Julia desperately asks her sister Ciara who is already an American citizen, to get into an arranged marriage with Storm.

Storm and Julia starts to drift apart as Julia has been always busy with her studies and work leaving more time for Storm and Ciara to be together. Thus starting an unexpected love affair. Julia learns about this and Ciara breaks up with Storm for Julia but Julia is too hurt to accept her apologies and efforts.

This puts the sisters' relationship in jeopardy and they struggle to live without each other but the story goes and of course, I won't be putting what the ending is. You have to find out on your own.

Maybe I'll watch another movie today but I'm not sure. Whoah! It's already 1:30 PM here. I have to take a nap for tonight's plans. Ho-hum!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 | By: Claire

Reading Challenge Hunting

Yesterday, I've been hunting for reading challenges to join in for this month and for the whole year. I've joined in six from different blogs. It's posted on my other blog and the link could be found on the right side of this page. Check it out if you're hunting for reading challenges, too.

Besides my personal reading challenge of reading up to 50 books this year, I want to join more challenges. I have 35 in my to-be-read (TBR) list and I'm planning on reading all of them because I've been neglecting to check the remaining books in that list and read them so I decided to join the Off The Shelf Challenge wherein you have to read books from your TBR list which you have before joining the challenge. Adding another book to you TBR list and reading it, before joining the challenge, and including it in your number of books for the challenge is against the rules. That's how I understood it.

I'm thinking of actually putting this blog and my other blog together so I 'll just have one so it wouldn't be so confusing but I'm also considering if that'll make this blog messy. The thing is, how will I be able to put them together? I'll think about it again.
Monday, January 17, 2011 | By: Claire

Stylish Blogger Award

Wow! Thanks Rocio for awarding me the "Stylish Blogger Award"! And you have 2 of this award already? Really cool! I'm not sure if I can award 15 recently discovered great bloggers, too but I will check the blogs I'm following one by one again since I'm still a new "follower" to them.

Here are the rules if you are awarded:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Tell us 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and let them know they have won.

So... here are the 7 things about myself:

1.  I have a sister who is practically my twin if she isn't 14 years younger than me.

2. I have a lot of notebooks including my journal and the notebooks where I'm writing and I've written my stories/sequels/poems/quotes.

3. I love stickers.

4. I keep a cute yellow dress right now which I can't really wear since I have this scar below my left knee.

5. I am an Aplastic Anemia/Bone Marrow Failure patient.

6. The color of journal right now is red, which isn't really my favorite color.

7. Right now, the apple of my eyes and the owner of my heart is still the same person.

I'm afraid I only have 8 blogs for the recently discovered great bloggers right now. They're the ones I often check and open. They're all great!

The 8 blogs I pick for  recently discovered great bloggers from the ones I'm following are:

In my opinion, all bloggers are great! It's just that every person has their own tastes and interests affecting their decision on who to follow and not to follow. Every one also starts a blog one post at a time and eventually will attract more followers who really get interested in following them, right?

Thanks again Rocio!

Have a great day! :)

Friday, January 14, 2011 | By: Claire

Movie Marathon

The other day, I watched two movies - April Bride and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.


I've been meaning to watch HP 7 soon as it was released here in the net but since my internet connection isn't excellent these days, I postponed and postponed watching it until the other day when I decided to do it. To actually wait for hours so I could finish watching the movie. At last, I'm done watching it but it left me hanging. I'm totally looking forward to the release of HP7 part 2 in the theaters. I'm going to watch it there because it's the final part of the whole story of Harry Potter and I want to watch it in a very large screen so I could appreciate it more. Watching HP7 part 1 in my net book lowered the excitement I had when I first wanted to watch it, moreover the low connection of the internet that ruined the mood. At least I knew what was happening in the movie since I already read the book itself and I wasn't getting lost even if the movie I watched was very choppy. When compared to the movie, reading the book was actually better than watching it. I've noticed that in novels turned to movies. I enjoy reading the books more compared to watching them because for me, the books are more detailed.

Anyway, "HP7 part 2, I'm looking forward to watch you in the theater".

The other movie, I watched was a Japanese movie about a couple married in church on April 5, 2007. At first glance, it was a typical wedding. The bride, however, was suffering from late-stage breast cancer and had been told that she only had a month to live.

The title of the movie is April Bride. To those of you who are okay with watching movies with a not-so-happy  ending, you can watch this. It's very good and speaks of true love. I also love the music in the background when they were getting married. The title of the song is The Rose. You can check out the links I provided if you're interested in watching the movie or listening to the music.

Monday, January 10, 2011 | By: Claire

A Room for Imagination

Here are some pictures of how our (me and my younger sister of 8) room looks like.

The first and second picture are pictures I just took a while ago. It's our wall (above our bed) which we filled with stickers of fairies, flowers and butterflies yesterday. I want to encourage my sister's imagination and talents, which FYI, is seriously reflecting mine. I mean, she's like a mini me since everything I can do, she can do, too at her young age.

She has the heart for arts and crafts and writing, too. And she's starting to read books like I do. When she can't sleep, she reads the Bible or the prayer book we have or sometimes, the magazines I have and the new book she received last Christmas as gift (High School Musical). Oh, and she also likes puzzles like I do. We're practically like twins, in the sense that we have so much in common. She's like my clone LOLx.

The above picture is our closet which we also filled with stickers and the pretty girl in the pictures is me. hahah

This last picture is my work desk. That's my net book and my journal and the little notebook behind the net book is where I jot down the notes for the script I'm writing. The lavender purse is where I keep the scarf I told you about on my previous post. The calendar I have came from Bossini. Okay, now I noticed I haven't changed the date yet. Today's supposed to be 11.

I also have a table calendar which I didn't take a picture of. It's from the magazine "Computer Arts" I bought last month. Haven't really written anything in it yet except for some birthdays and the start and end date for Script Frenzy which is still going to be on April.

Okay, I've blabbed enough for today. I'm still thinking what I'll be doing today. Maybe knitting, writing the script or reading or maybe all of the above. Got to go on with today's activities. :)

A Project: Beading

These are photos I took yesterday of the bracelet and necklace I made from one of the gifts I accepted last Christmas - a bead set with a book about beading. I think the book will be very useful to me once I go back to the Philippines. There, I can start making jewelry and accessories again. I also took a picture of the book and here it is below:

It's a really cool gift. Thanks Tita Edith and Tito Alex! I really love it! :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011 | By: Claire

End of Memories

End of Memories

Photo from: DEVIANT ART

I didn't expect my heart to find you special
I didn't think you'd make my life so jovial
You were someone who I didn't even notice the first time
I think you stole my heart, just that... one perfect crime.

We had too much fun and we built too many memories
It drowned me with happiness, too much for me to keep.
I can't remember when and where it begun
Though now it ended sadly like the setting sun.

Though it turned out and ended this way
I still keep our mem'ries and look at them in a special way
Sweeter than sugar, deeper than what's deep
Now turned bitter, sometimes I remember and just weep.

I remembered the way we looked in each other's eyes
Like you could see through me with no lies
The way you knew the color of my eyes are
Like no one has gotten to know me that far.

The way you stared at my lips when I speak
Maybe observing if it's dry or glossy, I felt it was sweet.
The way we clasped our hands every time we meet
Then our eyes meet and make that heart-melting greet.

I remember tousling and combing your hair with my fingers
The way you play with my hand, a mem'ry which still lingers.
The way we suddenly stare blankly into space
When the tension and sweetness reaches a pace too fast, leaving us dazed.

You were always beside me anywhere I went
You always took my hand wherever you were sent
You were the sweetest of all friends I ever had
I'm glad, there was that time we have met.

You wrote my name in the sand of the beach where we went
And I wrote yours then we connected it with the word "and".
Those kind of mem'ries almost slipped my mind
Which now I got to remember and got to find.

I even got to see that sunset in that beach with you
I even promised secretly, it would be the last sweet mem'ry I'd keep about us two.
Though every time I was with you, I was always happy
I decided to end it for both me and you.

I can't explain what feelings I have for you
I don't know these emotions I feel for you
Whatever they are turned me into something I didn't want to be
A demanding and jealous girl, I turned to be.

I also grew scared about our happiness being only temporary
That one day soon, you'll change and leave me
So before it happened, I decided to be the first one to leave
Even if I wasn't sure how to decide and what to truly believe.
Friday, January 7, 2011 | By: Claire

First Knitted Project: Purse

My first attempt on a knitted project. It was supposed to be a scarf but I ended up making it into a purse for my phone. It looks loose but I think I'm getting the hang of it with the second project, which is a scarf, I'm making right now. I'm not sure when I'm going to finish it because I only do it when I feel like doing it.

I bought this book about knitting but I can't follow the directions from it properly so I watched a knitting lesson for beginners like me in YouTube with the link Knitting Tutorial for Beginners- 1. Slip Knot. The lessons begin with making the slip knot and then making your first stitch and then more of the lessons about knitting follow it. I didn't have a hard time getting the instructions more so than when I tried to read the directions in the book I bought. So, if you want to learn about, you can check that site.

Right now with my second knitting project, I chose the same color of brown above and a pretty pink color to use as combination. Wish me luck on it. Next time, I'm planning to make a sweater if I can pull it off. XD
Thursday, January 6, 2011 | By: Claire

My Rescue

My Rescue

I was crying under the dark rainy sky
I was cold and alone, I kept asking why
Why did it have to end and be that way?
So many questions; No one knows what to say.

I felt it; All I thought was no one cared
I was stuck and to look forward I didn't dare
It was so dark; I couldn't see or hear anyone but that person
I could only think no one was worth but him for my attention.

I felt stranded and caged that I thought there was no other way
To escape the tears and the pain where I lay
I knew that I was drowning in my own misery
Then something happened; Someone came to rescue me.

I was still faint but I could already feel something different
I tried to open my eyes and heart to see what everything meant
Then I saw that the sky was already clear and warm
I felt safe when I realized someone was supporting my arm.

I lifted my face to look forward and see who was with me
And there you stood with your very warm smile directing at me
Suddenly all the pain was gone and I could breathe again
I couldn't remember anything painful and couldn't decipher where it all went.

I just looked in your eyes and felt the sincerity and innocence
The warmth from you makes me feel like I'm floating in the heavens
Overflowing happiness melts my heart and the whole of me
When you show up, look me in the eyes and smile at me sweetly.

Maybe He sent you to smile at me and let me know that life goes on
You're His way of saving me from being stuck in darkness for too long
That it was time to move on and forget the heartbreak from love and friendship
It was time that I meet new people and make new happy memories to treasure and keep.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011 | By: Claire

Run Away

Run Away

I remember you, sitting by my side
You were never out of my sight
You always followed wherever I went
I won't ever forget the warmth of your hands.

Your smile always melted my heart
Happiness was overflowing when we weren't apart
Your eyes made its mark deep in me
You were the prince who fulfilled my dreams and fantasy.

I couldn't think of anything else with your presence
And sadness drowned me with your absence
You suddenly became the world I revolved around
It became scary, our relationship became deeply bound.

But I know one day, you'll change your mind
One day, you'll just leave me behind
Maybe choose someone better than me to be by your side
So I decided to leave with the true reasons to hide.

I didn't mean to feel this way
Then just back away and not stay
I'll only be a burden to you
A block to hide what you're meant to do.

I didn't want you to focus only on things about me
It was what I saw that frightened me
I want you to go out to somewhere better where you should belong
In a place where I don't exist so goodbye and so long.
Sunday, January 2, 2011 | By: Claire



Alam kong marami ka pang bagay na hindi naiintindihan
Ako naman, komplikado't maraming dinadahilan
Nakagawian ko nang igawan at bigyan ka ng tula
Tinagalog ko lamang ngayon para maiba naman.

Wala akong ibang hinihingi mula sa iyo
Kung hindi ang basahin mo lamang ito
Marinig mula sa iyo ang totoo
Baka maaari kasing maalis na itong nararamdaman ko.

Alam mo naman ang nararamdaman ko, hindi ba?
O malabo pa rin ba sa'yo o sa iyo'y balewala lang talaga?
Sasabihin ko na lang ulit sa'yo sakaling nakalimutan mo
Ikaw pa lang ang nakapagpasaya sa'kin ng sobra sa buong buhay ko.

Malamang alam mo na rin kung gaano ako kaselosa
Lalo na kapag pinapakita mong wala na lang ako kung hindi itsapwera
'Di ko naman pwedeng pakialamanan kung anong gusto mo
Kaya lagi, umiiwas na lamang ako.

Ayokong makita mong mahina ako
Lalo na kapag nasasaktan mo ako
Kaya ako na lang ang lumalayo't nagtatago
Umiiyak mag-isa sa walang katuturang nararamdaman ko.

Nasasaktan na talaga ako't hindi ko maintindihan
Kung ikaw ba ang may ayaw na sa'kin anumang dahilan
Hindi ko na maalala kung sino ang unang lumayo
Kung sino ang nagsimula ng lahat... ikaw ba o ako?

Pasko na at nalulungkot ako
Dahil hindi ako ang ngayo'y kasama't nasa tabi mo
Pero kung maghanap ng bago ang desisyon mo
Sabihin mo nang deretso sa'kin at tatanggapin ko.

'Di ko na kayang tumingin ng deretso sa mga mata mo
'Di na gaya nang dati, masakit din kasi 'pag ginawa ko.
'Di ko rin alam kung anong nasa isip mo
Kung huling tula na ba itong gagawin ko para sa'yo.

Kung wala na talaga o ayaw mo na
Itapon mo na lamang itong tulang ito sa dagat, sa harap ko.
Kung yun na ang talagang desisyon mo
Siguro mahihirapan ako pero ito'y iintindihin ko.

Kung kaya ko lang burahin lahat ng memoryang ito
Na akala ko ay maitatago ko't mapapanatiling kasiyahan ko
Ngunit sadyang mali nga lamang ba ako
Dahil habang tumatagal, lumalalim lalo ang sugat na naiwan dito sa puso ko.

Habang sinusulat ko ito, naalala kong ikaw ay bata lamang
Marami pang hindi alam at hindi naiintindihan
Pakiramdam ko tuloy walang kabuluhan ito
At hindi mo pa kayang intindihin ito gaya ng gusto ko.

Sana malaman ko kung tapos na nga ba tayo
Kung galit ka o ikaw ay nalilito
Tinapon ko na ang pride ko para isulat at umamin sa'yo
Kaya sana sabihin mo sa'kin kung ano ang nasa isip mo.