A new poem posted on my other blog Love, Music and Poetry Cafe. Please read and share if you like it. Thanks!
Where my thoughts and feelings are expressed in words.
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Poetry and other literary munchies.
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Blog Tour: FINAL HEIR by Faith Hunter2 years ago
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My 2011 Reading Goal
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My Onigiri Twins
The first of my creations (Onigiri Category). There are lots of styles to make for me to choose from. And I want to make a few more for my friends. Others also suggest that I sell them but maybe not this time. I have other things in mind to do.
Anyway, I just want to post these here because they're so cute. Don't you think? :)
SFC Kids And Youth (SKY Group)
Lately, I've been busy organizing a youth-oriented presentation for an important yearly event - Mariology.
Mariology is the theological study of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mariology methodically presents teachings about her to other parts of the faith, such as teachings about Jesus, redemption and grace. Christian Mariology aims to connect scripture, tradition and the teachings of the Church on Mary.
I started organizing the kids and youth within our Catholic Christian Community and named our group, with the whole community's approval - SFC Kids and Youth Group (SKY Group). I think this will be fun since I enjoy being with the kids - away from all those problems and sharing stories and jokes with them. Giving them answers to their questions about things - anything under the sun.
I'm excited about this group though am also worried when I have to leave them only after a few months because then I will go back to Manila and continue my studies. Anyway, I think I don't have to worry about their activities since there are lots who support this group. Maybe it's just that I'm worried about missing them altogether - all the fun we're having while learning at the same time.
I already have lots of activities in mind for this youth group and I hope we will be able to fulfill everyone of them.
Love, Music, and Poetry Cafe: Ikaw Pa Rin
Repost from my new blog:
Akala ko okay na, yun pala hindi pa Hindi na sana ako lumpait pa Bawat hakbang nang paglapit ko Lumalakas pa rin ang pintig ng puso ko ...
Soulful Sunday Week 1: How To Enlarge Your Territories
A long time ago, I was taught that a person who thinks big has a big ego. And a person who thinks small is a holy person.
Especially in religious circles, big thinking is criticized and small thinking is praised. Because all desire for expansion is a sign of pride.
And when a person says, “I want to be promoted in my job,” or “I want to earn more,” or “I want to expand my business,” some religious people will tell you, “Be happy with where you are. Be content with what you have.”
But today, I’ve realized that small thinking may mean small love. Some people think small not because they’re content, but because they’re cowards.
As little children, we were told, “Don’t stand out. Don’t rock the boat. Don’t create waves. Don’t call attention to yourself.”
But now I tell you: Stand out. Rock the boat. Create waves. Be the best that you can be. Fulfill your destiny. Don’t put your light under a bowl, but put yourself on the lampstand. (Matthew 5:17) And shine God’s light within you!
My main message? Think big, love big.
Think Big
Once upon a time, the Israelites were conquered by the Babylonians and Assyrians. They were captured, chained, and hauled off like animals to another country to become their slaves.
One day, after many years in captivity, they returned to their land. But the Israelites were a people with a broken spirit. They were a defeated people coming with a defeated mentality. They felt small. They were thinking small. They were in survival mode.
But God told them, “Enlarge your territories.”
He said, Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left… (Isaiah 54:2-3)
The Israelites were a conquered people with a conquered spirit. Yet God says, “It’s time to conquer. You’re not conquered, you’re a conqueror.”
God wanted them to make a switch: From small thinking to big thinking.
Friend, you may be like the Israelites.
Perhaps you’ve been defeated by your problems. Recently, you’ve been hammered by trials. And you have a defeated spirit. You see yourself as a small person. And you feel small. And you’ve been thinking small in your job, or in your business, or in your family life, or in your ministry.
God is telling you now, “Don’t think small. Don’t think survival. Instead, think big. Think growth. Think expansion. Enlarge your territories. Because I want you to use you to bless the world.”
Be like Jabez. He prayed a unique prayer…
Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory…” (1 Chronicles 4:10)
When I read that verse, I think of my friends Rolly and Donna España.
Love Big
Rolly and Donna are fantastic business people.
God blessed their businesses so much, they were able to build a gigantic house in Laguna.
Let me give you an idea of how big their house is: It has an elevator. (But I was mildly disappointed it had no ATM machine.)
From the surface, it’s totally illogical why they have such a humongous house. Because Rolly and Donna don’t have kids.
But here’s the logic: When this couple hears about one of our ministry teams planning to have a retreat, or a seminar, or a workshop—Rolly would raise his hand and say, “Please use my house.”
If the retreat is 3 days long, Rolly and Donna would be there for the entire 3 days, to cook for them, serve them, and meet all their needs. They haven’t only opened their home, they’ve opened their hearts.
They have no biological children. But they have many spiritual children.
Here’s my point: They enlarged their territories for others.
Claim these words from Daniel. But those who know their God shall be strong and do great and mighty exploits. (Daniel 11:32)
“Lord, Disturb Me!”
Let me tell you the story of how God expanded the territories of my spiritual family, Light of Jesus.
Once upon a time, we were tiny.
For 25 years, Light of Jesus was an inwardly-focused Covenant Community. We were a small bunch of people who met each week in closed-door, “for insiders only” prayer meetings.
Here was our goal then: We wanted to form spiritual giants. We had very strict norms—one hour of daily prayer, one hour daily Bible reading, one-hour daily levitation… (Just kidding.) We discouraged secular music, secular dancing, and secular movies. We believed that smoking was such a grave sin, it prepared people for the smokes of Hell. We banned drinking of all alcohol.
And we tried to manage people’s personal lives. Our members couldn’t make personal decisions without consulting their small group leaders for guidance. Anyone who doesn’t do that is deemed rebellious.
We were very big on commitment. If you couldn’t attend a minimum number of meetings, you’re booted out. (In our immaturity, rules were more important than people.)
No wonder we weren’t growing.
But there was a glimmer of hope…
Each month, we had a meeting for “outsiders” which we called the Feast. That was where we could invite family, officemates, and friends. But it was only a once a month gathering.
Here’s what we noticed: Our monthly Feast was incredibly life giving! People loved it. People went home with a big smile on their faces. They couldn’t get enough of it.
But our weekly closed-door meetings were as enjoyable as chewing wood. People were dragging their feet to go to these “for insiders only” meetings. That was why we had to threaten people to come, or else… We had to tell them, “If you don’t attend consistently, you’re no longer a member of Light of Jesus.”
That was why we had to check attendance. To force people to come. Here’s what I learned: When you force people to attend meetings, there’s nothing wrong with the people. There’s something wrong with your meetings.
But for years, that was who we were.
And we became very comfortable with our set-up. So comfortable, we didn’t want to change anything.
But one day, God disturbed us…
He Said, “Expand Your Territories!”
Because He wanted us to expand.
But to expand our territories, God had to first expand our thinking.
First, God overhauled our identity. Not just our activity. I’ve learned that if you really want to expand, you’ve got to overhaul your identity.
From being a Covenant Community for managing “insiders”, He wanted us to become a Spiritual Family that’s focused on welcoming “outsiders”. He didn’t want us to form an elite team of spiritual giants. He wanted us to create a loving home whose front door was always open for the unchurched, for sinners, for the spiritually sick, for those far away from God.
From being focused on maintaining house rules for insiders, God wanted us to focus on loving outsiders.
When God overhauled our identity, changing our activities was easier. For example, we made the Feastweekly. And we moved from one Feast to many Feasts, from one preacher to many preachers.
Changing is always uncomfortable.
Inwardly, we ask ourselves, “Why disturb what was working?”
There’s really only one thing that prevents us from expanding our territories: Its Fear.
Fear is the biggest thief in the house. It has been stealing your dreams away.
Let me share two common fears…
1. Fear of Discomfort
We live in a culture that worships the god of convenience.
In our culture, convenience is the most important thing.
Don’t get me wrong. Convenience is a gift from God. Thank God for convenience.
Once upon a time, it took 6 months to go to America. Now, it takes 10 hours.
Once upon a time, we wrote handwritten letters—and it took a few days, sometimes weeks, for our letters to reach our friends. (Prehistoric days.) Now, we can facebook them in a snap of a finger.
Once upon a time, you had to call up people via a landline phone. If you’re my age, you remember the rotary phone that took forever to dial. “Zip, Rrrrrrrr….” And if you’re my age, you also recall that you also had a “partyline” (usually your neighbor). If she’s using the phone, you can’t use it.
Oh, thank God for convenience. Thank God for cellphones. Thank God for digital cameras. Thank God for google. Thank God for Ipads. Thank God for 24-hour pizza delivery.
But here’s the problem: The moment convenience becomes the most important thing in your life, that’s the moment you stop growing. That’s the moment you stop expanding.
Life begins to atrophy. Decay. Disintegrate.
Here’s the truth: Expansion and growth and development can only happen if you do the very opposite of convenience—which is sacrifice.
Remember my story above? Transforming Light of Jesus caused us pain.
When we made the Feast a weekly instead of monthly, it caused us pain.
Every time we moved venue, it caused us pain.
Every time we built other Feasts, it caused us pain.
But the pain was good.
Today, we have Feasts in 16 locations in Metro Manila, plus a few more Feasts all over the country and the world. Our PICC Feast (Philippine International Convention Center) alone gathers 5000 people every Sunday.
Convenience is nice. Enjoy it if its there. But throw it out of the window when your big dreams are at stake.
Success Requires Sacrifice
Are you married? If you want your marriage to work—you’ve got to sacrifice. Many marriages aren’t working now because the husband and wife just want convenience more than anything else.
A marriage cannot be based on convenience.
Raising kids cannot be based on convenience.
Having a great career cannot be based on convenience.
Building a business cannot be based on convenience.
Growing your investments cannot be based on convenience.
A healthy body cannot be based on convenience.
Expanding your territories can only be based on sacrifice.
Here’s another common fear that prevents you from expanding your territories…
2. Fear of Failure
Let me tell you a story.
Julio was a new salesman. Despite of the fact that he would go house to house every single day, he couldn’t make one sale.
So his sales manager called him and asked him, “Why can’t you sell?”
Julio said, “I don’t know why. Bad luck, I guess. I stand in front of the door waiting for someone to answer, but no one opens the door. So I go to the next house.”
After a few more questions, the sales manager discovers the reason: Julio would go house to house, standing in front of the front door, but he would never knock. He would just wait for it to open.
Why? He was afraid. He was afraid of failure. He was afraid of rejection.
Are you like Julio? Do you also simply stand in front of the door of opportunity—and don’t even knock? Have you been passing up so many doors of expansion, because of a fear of failure?
Do something. Try it out. Dive in. Wet your feet. Experiment. Fail a few times.
Please know: To think big, you don’t act big. In fact, I strongly recommend that you act small. Because I assure you that in the beginning you’ll be failing first. So act small so that your failures are small.
There are two kinds of big thinking.
1. Big thinking that comes from big ego.
2. Big thinking that comes from big love.
Let me tell you the difference.
One Thing To Check
Do you want to know if big thinking comes from big ego? From pride? From insecurity? From a need to prove yourself to others? From a need to buy other people’s love? From a need to cover up one’s unworthiness and inadequacy?
Look for one sign. Look for the presence of hurry.
If there’s hurry, there’s a 75% change that big thinking came from big ego.
For example, you’ll think big and act big right away. Because you’re in a hurry.
But if big thinking comes from big love, you’ll think big and act small at the start. Because you’re not in a hurry. Because whatever you’re doing is not about you anyway. It’s about serving others and blessing the world.
If it’s big ego, you’ll think big and grow fast. If it comes from big love, you’ll think big and grow naturally. Not slow. Not fast. But naturally.
When Hurry Destroys You
You can’t hurry a woman’s pregnancy.
It’s 9 months or bust.
Not 6 months, 7 months, or 8 months. If a baby comes out before the 9th month, it needs to be in an incubator. Its health is in danger.
Nor should the baby stay in the womb after 9 months. If the baby overstays in the womb, it’s dangerous to both the baby and the mother.
Do you know that some of the food that we eat is dangerous to our health? Why? Because we hurry the natural process of growth.
For example, a native chicken takes 3 to 6 months for a baby chick to become an adult chicken. A regular chicken takes 45 days. But today, some only takes 28 days. How do they do it? They inject the chicken with massive doses of growth hormones—chemicals that throw our own hormonal system off balance. Some believe that these chemicals can cause cancers.
You’ll Lose Money If You’re In A Hurry
The reason why a lot of people fall for terrible scams is because they’re in a hurry to grow their money. This is also the reason why people gamble and lose all their money—because they’re in a hurry to grow their money. (This is the reason why I tell people to “invest” in the Stock Market, not “trade” in the Stock Market. Those are two very different things.)
In business, it’s the same thing. I’ve learned not to rush expanding my business. Instead, I just let it grow naturally. I avoid so many problems. And I avoid useless stress.
I’ve also learned that I don’t have to rush growing a ministry. Whenever I fall into the temptation of growing quickly, I get into catastrophic problems.
Expand Your Territories—
Because It’s Not For You Anyway!
Here’s my little dream: I want to retire as over-all leader of Light of Jesus when I’m 55. That’s a mere 10 years from now. (I don’t believe a leader should stay too long in my position. The temptation is too great to use my fame and power for selfish ends.)
But I’ll never retire from serving you.
My exciting dream is to serve you without an official title for the rest of my life. When I’m 80, I hope I’m still visiting Feasts all over the world, encouraging people.
I want to have only one title: Your Friend.
I can retire because my dream isn’t about me.
Light of Jesus isn’t about me.
It’s about you.
It’s about serving you, blessing you, and loving you.
So enlarge your territories. Be the best that you can be. Grow. Flourish. Expand. Because it’s not for you anyway.
Think big, love big!
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
A Bit of Me (Me)
This Weeks Question: What’s your favorite weekend activity?
I sleep most of the times on a Saturday morning but since my sister has classes during Saturdays, I have to wake up and help my mom since she’s not feeling well lately. But when she leaves, I go back to bed and go back to dreamland.
This thread starts here: There's A book Weekly Meme
Anyway, what about you? What’s your favorite weekend activity?
I sleep most of the times on a Saturday morning but since my sister has classes during Saturdays, I have to wake up and help my mom since she’s not feeling well lately. But when she leaves, I go back to bed and go back to dreamland.
This thread starts here: There's A book Weekly Meme
Anyway, what about you? What’s your favorite weekend activity?
My Chocolate Chip Cookies and An Article I'm Writing
I baked cookies this morning for my sister to bring to school for her snacks but we forgot to pack it so as usual, some of it ended being eaten by my brother, who ate, two cookies at a time. Looked like a sandwich. I slept too much again today. Lately, I've been very sleepy. I'm not sure why. Is this a sign of depression? I just hope not.
Then I began to read the autobiography of St. Therese (Little Flower) but being able to read the introduction, I had to stop. Many of what was written in this introduction contained a lot things that I have experienced or thought of - something like that so I want to write an article first before I continue reading it.
I won't be writing my own autobiography but I'll be writing in it some of my experiences in life in connection with my faith. My own experiences through my life with how I lived and live with God in my life and had this kind of communication with God , Mama Mary and the angels. I want to write down the lessons and messages God has told me. I want to see the differences of my faith (experiences) with what I will be reading in the book. I'm not saying I have a lot in common or a lot of differences with The Little Flower. I'm also not saying that I could be someone who's special or different from others because I'm just a normal human being - a sinner at that. I don't have premonitions or things like those. I'll just write how I communicate with God, mama Mary, and the angels and how they answer me back (through dreams or answers through personal experiences - loses and gains).
In short, I'll be writing an article about my own experiences about my faith and compare it with what's written in the book. I hope St. Therese wouldn't misunderstand what I'm doing but since I know God is with Her, she'll know for sure what I'm trying to do. Maybe I'll finish it by tomorrow or on Wednesday. I'll make sure of it so I can continue reading the book already.
I Want To Revive This Blog
Whoah! When was my last blog? I know... a very, very long time ago.
How's every blog doing now? Everybody still keep their blog alive but I haven't. And again, I want to revive it.
I've been busy with our vacation and many problems. I've been fully out of the blue lately, too because I've been confused with everything I have in my hands right now. I'm not really busy, it's just that my mood swings are kicking off again.
I'm watching Korean TV series to get a new feel, a new flow of emotions so I can have new ideas on what to write about and how I'll write my new stories. And I've also been thinking what genre to write right now. And then there are my old stories/novel which I must edit, revise and re-write so I can turn them into a book or e-book, whatever's better.
Then my artistic instincts start to kick off, too and I had to sew these plushies which are two talking cats with magical powers, a fifteen year old girl and a sixteen year old boy who are all part of the new story I'm thinking of writing right now. It's adventure/fantasy genre. I'm not sure about it yet but I'm really into the idea right now.
And then there are also these books I have to read, learn, understand and reflect from. It's not that I'm obliged to but I'm making myself be obliged because these books are important to me. No sentimental values or reasons like that. It's just that I think I'm ought to read and learn them myself. Maybe it's because I miss studying in school or maybe there are other reasons. I'm not sure of. I just want to finish reading and studying them. I'll also be posting some reviews for those books after I read them or maybe after every chapter I can post some of my view/notions about those topics there.
And then there are my Catholic community related projects or plans which I'm not sure if I'll really be going through with. I need the approval of the majority of our members first. It's not that I'm not sure that they'll approve of my ideas but I'm not sure about myself if I can keep up if it's going to be approved.
Another is my beads and crafts tools and supplies which are still there for me to do. I've been planning on making accessories to sell but it seems there'll be no buyers if I make them so right now, they're just there in my shelf.
And a new hobby is added which is baking and since I'm not really good in it even how much effort I put in, I just can't stop trying to learn and practice more which takes a lot of time in a day.
With all of these, I don't know where to start. I made a schedule last month but I haven't followed it. But now, I'm trying to start with everything again. I'm starting with blogging right now and maybe everything will follow. I'll update on Goodreads and then I'll make articles against RH Bill which I'm also feeling is right to do now.
I'll write again tomorrow if there'll be any progress with my sched.
Reblogged: The Devil's Shopping Advocate
The Devil's Advocate: A 6th Month Anniversary Give Away!
Click the link above and check out her cool blog!
She's been bloging for 6 months straight and I just wish I've done the same. As you can see, I haven't been active in blogging again since I've been busy with many things especially that I'm still on vacation right now.
Okay, so being on vacation is no excuse to be inactive these past months (?), I admit but it's been so hectic and I really didn't have the energy and enthusiasm to write anything new.
I'll be blogging again, as I promised a few people/readers and myself once I get back to Jeddah. After I get settled in again. It's not easy having to go here and there every now and then and just write anything. I just like to write/blog when I'm in the mood and when I don't have other things in mind.
Like right now that I'm busy thinking of the small business I want to establish, scrapbooking, making jewelries, paper arts and other crafts, rewriting the draft of the novel I wrote and going back to the reading challenges I've joined for this year. And there are so many more so I've been dumbfounded and stuck with everything that I was confused which I must do first so there.
I'll be back. I'll be back.
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Soulful Friday Week 1: What You Should Never Forget
I am a Roman Catholic Christian and I decided to put up a post regarding about being a loving and caring person, inspired by Bo Sanchez' weekly email to people who subscribe to their inspirational site at Kerygma Philippines. This weekly posy every Sunday will only be a copy of what his email to me contains. I hope it will give inspiration in your life.
A little about Bo Sanchez:
Bo Sanchez is an author, preacher and lay evangelist in the Philippines. He started preaching at the age of 13 and wrote his first book when he was 20. He had published many books since then. He publishes a magazine known as "Kerygma."
What You Should Never Forget
"I remember this day like it was yesterday.
This happened a couple of years ago.
I went home excited, mentally planning our Father-Son trip to the
mall. (Each week, I try to have a date with my boys. Sometimes
together. Sometimes separately. That day, I was going to have a date
with my eldest boy, Bene.)
But as I arrived home and stepped down of my car, my phone rang.
“Bo, are you already at the wedding?” my friend asked me.
“Huh? What wedding?” I asked.
“The wedding of Amina…”
Wham! It was like I was hit by a bat on the head. I totally forgot
about the wedding!
How can I now tell Bene? The little guy was so looking forward to our date.
When I entered the house, I greeted him and said, “I’ve got a
problem about our date …” I told him about the wedding.
That was when my wife said, “Son, can you go with Daddy to the
wedding? That’ll be your date.” (Thank God for my wise wife.)
A few minutes later, my son and I were riding the car in our
matching /barong tagalogs. /
It turned out that we were early for the wedding, so we walked to a
coffee shop beside the church, and talked and laughed together as he
ate his favorite cinnamon roll.
The wedding was superb!
It was also a wonderful time for me to give mini-lectures to my
little pupil—in whispers at the back pew—on marriage, family, and
After the wedding, the reception was at the exclusive /Polo Club./ While waiting for the dinner to begin, we had a phenomenal time sitting down on the grass (yes, still in our /barongs/) under the canopy of stars—and chatted the night away.
“I don’t want to be a cowboy anymore, Daddy,” he said.
“No more?” This was a shock to me. It had been his declared
dream ever since he was two. In fact, his first word wasn’t
“mama”. It was “horse.” (I’m not kidding.)
He piped up, “I don’t want to be a Cowboy anymore. I just want
to ride horses for pleasure.”
“Okay. What do you want to be?”
“A businessman.” (Six-year old kids have a way of declaring
their dreams as though it’s as sure as the planet is round. I
wonder what age we lose that confidence?)
“That’s great. You can own a ranch. How many horses do you want
to own?”
“About ten,” he grinned.
“How will you earn to maintain the ranch?” I asked.
“Kids can ride my horses for P20 each…”
“Uh…, isn’t that a bit too cheap?”
“They can also feed my rabbits if they pay something. And I’ll
sell my customers snacks and have a restaurant in my ranch.”
“That’s fantastic.”
“My ranch will also have an imaginary forest.”
“A what?”
“An imaginary forest. Parents will be afraid if their kids go to a
real forest with real animals. So I’ll make an imaginary forest with
robotic animals—even some legendary creatures like dinosaurs,
unicorns, mermaids,...”
“Yes, because there’ll be a lake in my ranch. With a shipwreck.
Kids can also visit the shipwreck.”
After planning for his future, we got our plates and stood in front
of the buffet table for the entire evening. Because the food was so
fabulous, we didn’t bother to sit down. That night, he ate seven
sticks of barbecue and I gobbled up 50% of the European cheeses
In other words, my date with Bene was a ball.
If I didn’t have a weekly date with him, how will I know about his
dreams? I would have missed hearing that he didn’t want to be a
Cowboy anymore, that he wanted an imaginary forest, robotic animals,
a lake and a shipwreck for kids to visit and have fun…
I was even more convinced of my family goals when I read the
frightening statistics from David Perdew about “fatherless kids”.
According to statistics, children from a fatherless home are:
· Five times more likely to commit suicide
· Thirty-two times more likely to run away
· Twenty times more likely to have behavioral disorders
· Fourteen times more likely to commit rape (this applies to boys)
· Nine times more likely to drop out of high school
· Ten times more likely to abuse chemical substances
· Nine times more likely to end up in a charitable institution
· Twenty times more likely to end up in prison for a long period of
Fathers—and mothers—your kids need you.
David Perdew says we either pay now or pay later.
And when you pay later, it always costs more.
I suggest you pay now."
Have a fantastic 2011—especially with your family.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. */Never Forget Your Family./* Except for God, nothing else is
more important.
I hope with "Soulful Friday", you can reflect for a few minutes about what's going with your life and learn lessons not only for yourself but for your love for God and for others.
You can leave a comment about your reflection or how you felt or things as such. Good afternoon! :)
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